by Jeff Stoner
This clinic was held on September 9th, 2021 in St. Joseph with 17 volunteers having a wide range of experience in drinking-water quality, geology, hydrology, conservation, law, chemical-screening testing, and public health. Eight of them (see photo) were MGWA Members who served all day in preparation for and involvement during the clinic. Private well owners brought in 346 samples screened for nitrate nitrogen and chloride. Well owner response was positive toward the educational opportunities offered through volunteer engagement to discuss screening results. Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) offered a cost-share opportunity for follow-up lab tests using a grant from the Land and Legacy Amendment. Eighty well owners signed up for that discounted laboratory analysis for arsenic, bacteria, and nitrate performed by Traut Labs.

The large turnout was attributed to organization and planning by Stearns County SWCD in partnership with Minnesota Well Owners Organization (MNWOO), the Minnesota Ground Water Association, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment and Regional Sustainable Development Partnership and ten Townships in Stearns County. Lab equipment was provided by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture through a Land and Legacy Grant from the Clean Water Fund. The Minnesota Department of Health provided GIS coverage of arsenic levels from new well construction.

Members of the MGWA Education Committee and MNWOO representatives are using such clinic experiences to refine the roles that volunteers will play in organizing, conducting, and assessing the results of private well testing clinics. Stay tuned for chances to help with future clinics as we learn through experiences such as the Stearns County event. Thank you volunteers!
MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and inclusive groundwater community. Click on the button below to read MGWA’s full diversity statement.