by Melinda L. Erickson, Research Hydrologist, USGS
A new paper has just been published by Dr. Melinda Erickson along with academic collaborators, titled “Months-long spike in aqueous arsenic following domestic well installation and disinfection: Short- and long-term drinking water quality implications.” The paper presents a case study about extremely high arsenic concentration (1500 ug/L) in a newly drilled domestic well. The paper presents well drilling methods, analytical results from three rounds of geochemical sampling, hypotheses of arsenic mobilization mechanisms, and equilibrium modeling to test hypotheses. Finally, a regional context is provided to the geochemical results from this study.
The paper was recently posted online as part of the Journal of Hazardous Materials Special Issue Arsenic: Source to Sink, available at Visit Dr. Erickson’s USGS profile page for other publications of potential interest: Profile page
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