From the MGWA Newsletter Team
Here are links to six new publications from USGS, on topics including till and confined aquifers, modeling techniques, pesticides in groundwater, stability of arsenic, machine learning predictions of pH, and the influence of natural copper-nickel-bearing bedrocks of the Duluth Complex on water quality.
Trost, J.J., Maher, A., Simpkins, W.W., Witt, A.N., Stark, J.R., Blum, J., and Berg, A.M., 2020, Hydrogeology and groundwater geochemistry of till confining units and confined aquifers in glacial deposits near Litchfield, Cromwell, Akeley, and Olivia, Minnesota, 2014–18: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5127, 80 p.,
Data release:
Maher, A.-T., Trost, J.J., Witt, A.N., Berg, A.M., Simpkins, W.W., and Stark, J.R., 2020, Geochemical data, water-level data, and slug test analysis results from till confining units and confined aquifers in glacial deposits near Akeley, Cromwell, Litchfield, and Olivia, Minnesota, 2015–2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Groundwater model archive:
Trost, J.J., Feinstein, D.T., and Jones, P.M., 2020, Heuristic MODFLOW models used to evaluate the effects of pumping groundwater from confined aquifers overlain by till confining units: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
White, J.T., Hunt, R.J., Fienen, M.N., and Doherty, J.E., 2020, Approaches to Highly Parameterized Inversion: PEST++ Version 5, a Software Suite for Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Analysis, Management Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 7C26, 52 p.,
Bexfield, L., Belitz, K., Lindsey, B.D., Toccalino, P.L., Nowell, L.H., 2020. Pesticides and pesticide degradates in groundwater used for public supply across the United States: Occurrence and human-health context. Environmental Science and Technology.
Stetson, SJ, ML Erickson, J Brenner, EC Berquist, C Kanagy, S Whitcomb, C Lawrence. 2020. Stability of inorganic and methylated arsenic species in laboratory standards, surface water and groundwater under three different preservation regimes. Applied Geochemistry.
Stackelberg, PE, K Belitz, CJ Brown, ML Erickson, SM Elliott, LJ Kauffman, KM Ransom, and JE Reddy. 2021. Machine learning predictions of pH in the glacial aquifer system, northern USA. Groundwater.
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