by MGWA Newsletter Team
MGWA has a new MGWA Social Coordinator– Jenn McDonald!
Jenn is a quarternary geologist with the Minnesota Geological Survey. In 2015, right after earning her Master’s degree in Geology from the University of Toledo, she became a Quaternary Geologist for the Minnesota Geological Survey. Her primary role at the MGS is to create geologic maps of the unconsolidated sediments across the state. During her tenure, she has been involved in a variety of projects and have authored maps for the Olmsted, Dodge, St. Louis and Lake County Geologic Atlases. She is especially proud of her contributions to the MGS’s statewide 3-D geological model of the Quaternary unconsolidated sediments and teaching part of the University of Minnesota’s Hydrogeology Field Course. Jenn enjoys geologic mapping because it embodies both high quality scientific research and practical applications to promote a sustainable management of groundwater resources. When she is not out in the field collecting samples you can find her reading a good book or enjoying the outdoors with her husband, who is a high school teacher, and their rescue dog Charlie. The Association also would like to recognize and thank outgoing Social Coordinator, Jane de Lambert.
MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and inclusive groundwater community. Click on the button below to read MGWA’s full diversity statement.