Anneka Munsell is continuing through her rotation of agencies working with water in Minnesota by joining the MDH source water protection team. She joined MDH from DNR’s groundwater team where she was officially a groundwater modeler and unofficially the aquifer properties database person among other things. She is the metro area hydro or “the new Amal.” She will primarily be working with public water suppliers to protect source water. She is bringing her experience from DNR, consulting, and Met Council. She spends her time in the garden or kayaking during the summer and embroidering or garden planning during the winter.

Lauren Larkin joined the MDH source water team in February. She joins the team from MPCA where she worked on site assessment and remediation. She is the southeast area hydro or “the new Justin.” She will primarily be working with public water suppliers to protect source water. She is bringing her experience from MPCA and Barr Engineering. She enjoys doing scent work with her dog Gage and painting. She also enjoys gardening and sewing but in slightly different proportions than Anneka because Gage comes first.

Shelby Kassuelke joined the MDH source water protection team from California, where she worked for the US Forest Service. She is a field hydrologist by work experience and training, having worked on stormwater runoff in California and completed her Master’s degree in Water Resources Science from University of Minnesota – Duluth. Shelby will be the Source Water Protection Field Hydrologist, responsible for development and revitalization of our hydrology support program for Wellhead Protection plans and watershed-scale aquifer water quality characterization. Outside of work, she fills her time with yoga, cooking, anything outdoors, and starting (but probably not finishing) crafty projects.

Danielle Nielsen is a water resources engineer from Virginia (the state, not the city) serving as the state-wide surface water SWP hydrologist “the new Tracy”. Yes, yes we know she’s a surface water person, she’s still welcome at MGWA right? She has 9 years of experience in drainage infrastructure design and hydrological modeling and is looking forward to pivoting her career to environmental health protection. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling the world and has an unhealthy obsession with rainy days, dachshunds, and parmesan cheese.
MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and inclusive groundwater community. Click on the button below to read MGWA’s full diversity statement.