On February 20, 2018, the State of Minnesota settled its Natural Resource Damage lawsuit against the 3M Company in return for a settlement of $850 million (3M Settlement). Minnesota’s Attorney General sued 3M in 2010 alleging that the company disposed of chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and had damaged and continues to damage drinking water and natural resources in the Twin Cities East Metropolitan Area. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are Co-Trustees of these funds. Shortly following the 3M Settlement, the East Metro Unit was formed at the MPCA within the Remediation Division to support implementing the 3M Settlement, as well as to continue to lead the remediation activities related to 3M’s three disposal sites in the east metro. Work focused on the 3M Settlement includes partnering with east metro communities to implement long-term safe and sustainable drinking water supply projects identified in the Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Plan. Projects include both those that treat the water as it comes out of the faucet as well as the groundwater.
Liz Kaufenberg became the supervisor for the East Metro Unit in January 2023 following former supervisor Gary Krueger’s retirement in December 2022. Liz had been serving as a coordinator for the Settlement since 2018. Prior to that she served in different capacities at the MPCA, including Superfund project manager and research scientist in surface water quality. Liz received her environmental science degree from UW-River Falls and her master’s in water resources science from the U of M-Twin Cities.
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