Jim Lundy recently joined the MGWA’s White Paper committee. White paper committee members prioritize the topics for future MGWA white papers and assist the MGWA board with convening white paper groups. Committee members serve 4-year terms.

Jim Lundy began work as a hydrogeologist in the Archean (1986) at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and a mid-career switch from the start of the flowpath to the end brought him to the Minnesota Department of Health. Retired since 2019, Jim now devotes time to the MGWA White Paper and Scholarship Committees, and volunteers at occasional MNWOO well testing clinics. Jim and Sherryl have two awesome grown kids, Sean (Minnesota National Guard and University of Minnesota) and Rose (investigative journalist at The Maine Monitor).
MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and inclusive groundwater community. Click on the button below to read MGWA’s full diversity statement.