Groundwater in the News — Recent Article on Warming Aquifers
MGWA member Greg Brick recently published an article in Minnpost on how warming aquifers can provide a fermentation vessel for waterborne pathogens. Click on the link below to access the full article. Minneapolis is in hot (ground) water | MinnPost MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and inclusive groundwater community. Click on the […]
Groundwater in the News — New York Times Article on Big Farms and Flawless Fries Gulping Water in Minnesota
September 28, 2023
The New York Times recently published an article highlighting the impacts the drought that gripped Minnesota in the summer of 2021, one of the worst on record, had on the state's groundwater. That year, irrigation pumping soared to water crops like corn, soybeans, sugar beets, and potatoes. This, combined with the drought, also resulted in a multitude of complaints of private domestic wells drying up, often from poorer families or…
Groundwater in the News — New York Times Article on Groundwater Depletion in America
September 28, 2023
The New York Times conducted an extensive examination of groundwater depletion, interviewing more than 100 experts, traveling the country and creating a comprehensive database using millions of readings from monitoring sites. The investigation reveals how America’s life-giving resource is being exhausted in much of the country, and in many cases it will not come back. Huge industrial farms and sprawling cities are draining aquifers that could take centuries or millenniums…
MDH Source Water Protection Welcomes New Staff
September 28, 2023
National Association of Environmental Professionals
September 28, 2023
2024 Annual Conference and Training Symposium NAEP is now accepting abstracts to showcase your work to an audience of national and Minnesota-based environmental professionals at their 2024 Annual Conference & Training Symposium. Abstracts can be submitted for oral presentations, posters, workshops, and special sessions of both national and Minnesota concerns. Please take moment to view the submission guidelines before you submit a proposal. The deadline to submit an abstract is…
Recent Article on Specific Conductance-Chloride Relations in MN Groundwater
September 28, 2023
Past MGWA scholarship recipient John McDaris (2020) recently published an article on specific conductance-conductivity relations in Earth Science, Systems, and Society. Past MGWA President Tony Runkel (2021) is a co-author on the article. Geological Society Of London | Establishing Specific Conductance-Chloride Relationships for Quaternary and Bedrock Aquifers in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, United States ( MGWA Newsletter Main Page MGWA is committed to developing a just, equitable, and…
Report finds Blaine’s water supply wells were primary cause of nearby domestic well interferences during the summer of 2022
September 28, 2023
An investigation by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has concluded that the water supply wells for the City of Blaine were the primary cause of supply issues in nearby domestic wells during the summer of 2022. Additional information regarding this matter, including an informational video, are available at the DNR website: Report finds Blaine water supply wells were primary cause of nearby domestic well interferences during summer 2022 :…
President’s Letter
June 19, 2023
3M Settlement Update
June 19, 2023
MDH Unregulated Contaminants Monitoring Project Data Summary Report Now Available
June 19, 2023
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) tested for unregulated contaminants and chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in drinking water across the state. The data gathered provides insights on how the presence and levels of some of the CECs detected in drinking water were affected by treatment, nearby land uses, and local geology. MDH tested for a wide spectrum of CECs, but only a fraction of them were detected in drinking…
MGWA White Paper Committee Update
June 19, 2023
by Jared Trost, MGWA White Paper Committee Chair White Paper Committee The MGWA White Paper Committee is a group of four to five MGWA members that guide the development and publication of White Papers and communicate progress to the MGWA membership and the MGWA Board. The current white paper committee members are Carrie Jennings, David Crisman, Jared Trost, Rebecca Higgins, and Jim Lundy. Carrie, David, Jared, and Rebecca are cycling off this year.…
Spring Conference Presentation Videos Available
June 19, 2023
This year's MGWA Spring Conference was held online on April 27th, 2023. The meeting's theme was to explore the variety of drinking water-quality issues that occur across the State of Minnesota. The conference began with a discussion on the state's hydrogeology and drinking water regulatory framework. The other presentations focused on drinking water-quality issues and challenges in the cities of Mankato, Hastings, Virginia, Onamia, Moorhead, and Edgerton. Immediately after the…
MGWA Gil Gabanski Scholarship Recipient – Charlie Soucey
June 19, 2023
I am a first year PhD student working with Dr. Peter Kang and Dr. Crystal Ng in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. My work centers around understanding flow and transport dynamics in SE Minnesota karst systems and how these karst systems contribute to regional nitrate fate and transport. To investigate these processes, I conduct field tracer tests in a karst spring system and use this information to model…
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