Minnesota Well Identifiers
by William Olsen After 10 or 15 years working with Unique Well Numbers, first as a grad student at the University of Minnesota, and then as a well inspector for Dakota County, I thought I was beginning to understand them. After 25 years as a well inspector and well data manager, I realized that I […]
Groundwater in the News — MPR articles on Nitrate in southeast Minnesota
December 28, 2023
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) recently published several articles on nitrate concentrations in Southeastern Minnesota’s groundwater. An article published in October titled “Southeast Minnesota struggles for common ground on nitrate pollution as health worries rise“ gave an overview of the nitrate issue in the groundwater in this part of the state. In November, MPR published an article titled “EPA says ‘further actions’ needed to protect human health from nitrate in southeast…
Fall Conference Videos Available
December 28, 2023
by MGWA Newsletter Team The MGWA Fall Conference was held at the Heritage Center of Brooklyn Center on November 14th, 2023. The conference theme was the Safe Drinking Water Act, a Federal law that was passed almost 50 years ago in 1974, to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking water supplies. The conference began with an overview of this groundbreaking legislation followed by discussions on the state’s…
Applications Open for the 2024 Field Camp Scholarships
December 28, 2023
by MGWA Newsletter Team The Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) and the MGWA Foundation (MGWAF) are pleased to announce the continuation of the Hans-Olaf Pfannkuch and E. Calvin Alexander, Jr. Hydrology Field Camp Awards. These scholarships alleviate part of the educational costs for qualified students to attend a hydrogeology field camp, with the goal of creating stronger professionals in the fields of hydrogeology, groundwater geology, and related programs. Two $1,500…
MGWA Foundation Supports Children’s Water Festival
December 28, 2023
The MGWA Foundation is thrilled to have supported the 2023 Seven County Metro Area Children's Water Festival (https://metrocwf.org/). Approximately 1,900 fourth grade students attended the festival at the Minnesota State Fair grounds on September 27th, 2023. The festival is an interactive, hands-on, educational outreach program for Metro area schools with the goal of educating, motivating, and challenging children to understand, conserve, and protect our water resources. Total cost for putting on this festival is around $35,000,…
Megan Wedal Joins MPCA
December 28, 2023
John Woodside Follows Jim Walsh as Hydrologist Supervisor at MDH
December 28, 2023
Jim Walsh Retires from MDH
December 28, 2023
Accepting Applications for the 2024 Gil Gabanski Scholarships
December 15, 2023
President’s Letter
September 28, 2023
U of M Story on MGWA/MNWOO Private Well Testing
September 28, 2023
Emily Haeg Nguyen, a storyteller with the University of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, recently authored this story about a MGWA/MNWOO-sponsored well water screening event. The story takes a human-centered approach and mentions the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Minnesota Well Owners Organization and the Minnesota Groundwater Association. Pure and simple: first of its kind support for MN private well owners | UMN Extension MGWA Newsletter Main Page MGWA…
Two New MGWA Officers Sought for 2024
September 28, 2023
The MGWA board needs to fill two officer positions – President-Elect and Secretary– for 2024. The President-Elect takes a leadership role in the planning of one or more of the MGWA meetings while “learning the ropes” of MGWA leadership. The Secretary is responsible for recording the meeting minutes and provides general oversight of membership services. Here is a chance for you or someone you nominate to get in on the…
Fall Conference and Membership Renewal
September 28, 2023
50 Years of the Safe Drinking Water Act November 14th, 2023, 8am – 4:30pmHeritage Center of Brooklyn Center, MN DescriptionJust about ten years ago, the 2014 MGWA Fall Conference looked at the history and future of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund (MGWA 2014 Fall Conference). We are rapidly coming up on the 50th anniversary of another influential and groundbreaking Federal environmental regulation,…
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