Are you interested in attending a Project WET workshop?
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is an international, interdisciplinary, water science and education program for formal and non-formal educators of K-12 students. The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids through state sponsored Project WET programs at
The Minnesota Ground Water Association can facilitate a Project WET workshop. Workshops are six hours in length and include exposure to a wide range of activities and lessons that can be applied in the classroom. These activities and lessons align with Minnesota Graduation Standards. CEUs are offered to attendees. The cost is $15 for the reference guide (which you get to keep) that includes dozens of activities, lessons, and extensions for K-12 students). Depending on the activities and time of day, there may be a cost of a few additional dollars to cover materials and snack/lunch.
If you are interested, contact Mike Trojan (651-296-7270; We need a minimum of 12 people to conduct a workshop, so spread the word to your fellow educators.