A Sampling of Non-point and Ambient Water Quality Issues Affecting Minnesota
November 9, 2010, 8am – 4:30pm
Steve Robertson, MGWA President
Peter McMahon, USGS, Denver
Characterizing Redox Conditions in Groundwater: Approaches and
David Vinson, Duke University
New Insights on Naturally-Occurring Radium in the Jordan Aquifer of MN
Sherri Kroening , Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Constance Holth , Minnesota Department of Agriculture
MPCA and MDA Ambient Monitoring Program Activities
Scott Korom, University of North Dakota
Geologic Processes Linking Electron Donors and Aquifers: Implications for Minnesota
Brandy Toner, University of Minnesota
State-of-the-Science Tools for Measuring Arsenic Speciation in Glacial Sediments
Michael Russelle, Agricultural Research Service, USDA
Leaves It Cleaner Than They Found It:
Perennial Forages and Water Quality
Carl Rosen, University of Minnesota
Strategies for Reducing Nitrate Leaching from Irrigated Potato Production
Luke Stuewe, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Practical Applications of Perennial Crops in Wellhead Protection Areas
Tim Cowdery , US Geological Survey
Richard Soule , Minnesota Department of Health
Nitrate Loading and Fate in Shallow Groundwater near Cold Spring, MN
Dave Legvold, Farmer/Educator and Rebecca Spurr, Student, St Olaf College
Rethinking a Nitrogen Budget from the Standpoint of a Cheap Norwegian Farmer