Calcareous Fens of Southeastern Minnesota
June 18, 2004
Sponsored by: Rochester Public Utilities, City of Rochester and the Minnesota DNR
Dr. Jeanette Leete, MN DNR Waters
Why we called this meeting, or “What is a Calcareous Fen, Technically Speaking?”
Welby Smith, MN DNR Ecological Services
Vascular Plants of Minnesota Calcareous Fens
George Poch, McGhie & Betts Environmental Services, Inc.
Soils of Minnesota Calcareous Fens + Handout: KLOSSNER Soil Series
Dr. Joannes Janssens, Lambda Max
General Introduction to Mosses
Bryophyte Classification, Indicator Value, and Regional Differentiation
Bryophyte Collection Proceedure and Requirements for Submission
Illustrated Key to Some Calcareous Fen Bryophytes
Dr. James Almendinger, Science Museum of Minnesota
Hydrogeology of Minnesota Calcareous Fens (Powerpoint)
Dr. Jeanette Leete, MN DNR Waters
Water Chemistry of Minnesota Calcareous Fens
Dr. Joannes Janssens, Lambda Max
Classification of Fen Mosses (obligate, facultative, occasional), Ottawa Fen example and, if time permits: Introduction to Field Methods for Collection of Mosses
Jeremy Pavlish, MN DNR Waters
Felton Prairie Fen and Ottawa Fen Case Studies
Steve Eggers, US Army Corp of Engineers
Savage Fen, A Qualified Success Story (requesting permission)
Round Table Discussion about the Future
Where do we go from here? What has worked, what hasn’t?
Examples of Cooperative Planning.
Photos from the field trip to Ottawa Fen
Welby Smith points out vascular plants at Ottawa Fen
Jennie Leete makes a point about ground water
Steve Eggers finds a specimen worth keepingn
Jan Janssens explains the practical aspects of bryophyte transect sampling
Liparis loeselii found near well nest #4